About us
Center Kharkov Technologies was established in 1998 under support of the US Agency on International Development (USAID) on the basis of the NTK “Institute for Single Crystals” of the NAS Ukraine.
Main activities of the Center: Assistance to innovative economic development, commercialization of research projects, technology transfer, providing trainings on innovation entrepreneurship, holding workshops and conferences, financing of innovation projects, introduction of information-communication technologies into the entrepreneurial activities, assistance to Ukrainian scientists in participating in international research and innovation projects including those financed by the European Commission – 7th Framework Program and Horizon 2020 Program.
Center has gained great experience in participating in international programs and projects supported by the USAID, the World Bank, the Science and Technology Center of Ukraine (STCU), National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Civil Research and Development Foundation of USA (CRDF-Global), Central European Initiative (CEI), the EU 6th and 7th Framework Programs on science and technology, etc.
In particular, under support of the World Bank infoDev Program the following projects were implemented:
- «Creation of Information-communication network for business-incubator development in the Kharkov Region - Virtual Business Incubator». As a result of this project, the Virtual Business Incubator - VBI (www.vbi.com.ua) was created, which could “accommodate” unlimited number of innovative companies. Members of this network can receive consulting services on-line and use shared equipment and e-library of the VBI. Information about innovation and investment projects is located at the “Idea Show” section of the VBI web-portal. For the VBI clients the corporate web-sites and e-shops of their enterprises are developed and located in the Internet. Distant trainings on innovative business and technology commercialization are available at the VBI platform.
- «Information and collaboration tool for organizing the cooperation network of innovation centers and technology parks of the Eastern Europe and Central Asia countries”. As a result, the partner ECAbit (www.ecabit.org) network that joins over 70 corporate members has been functioning.
The Center has also been a co-manager of the projects within the Framework Programs 6th and 7th on science, technology and innovation development of the EU:
- «Set-up of a collaborative permanent network for boosting the participation of incubated SMEs in innovation processes under FP6 activities» - BOOST-IT Project (EC FP6)
- «Technologies of Information Society – the Way to the Open Knowledge for the countries of the Eastern Europe and Central Asia» - ISTOK-SOYUZ (EC FP7).
- «Strengthening science and research cooperation between Ukraine and EC in the material science» - SUCCESS (EC FP7).
- «STI Cooperation Network for Eastern Partnership Countries» - IncoNet EaP (EC FP7).
- «Reinforcing cooperation with Eastern Partnership countries on bridging the gap between research and innovation for inclusive and secure societies» - SECURE-R2I (EC FP7).
- «Supporting the Uptake of Agri-Food Research Results into Innovation with EPC countries» - SUAFRI-EPC (EC 7FP).
In 2011 The Center was accredited as a National Contact Point of the EC 7FP on «Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, new materials and processes».
In 2013 the project «Kharkiv Innovation Platform» (KhIP) was implemented in partnership with the State Agency on Science, Innovation and Informatization of Ukraine and the Civil Research and Development Foundation of USA (CRDF-Global). The KhIP Platform represents a resource for communication of science, business, users and the State, aimed at creation of the conditions for commercialization of research and new innovation products and services, attraction of investments and raising qualification of specialists working in the sphere of innovation and technology transfer.
The aim of the Kharkiv Innovation Platform is to identify long-term needs of businesses in the research results, assist in elaboration of science, technology and innovation programs, and contribute to reorienting national science toward creation of competitive science-based economy.
The Center is a certified member of the Russian Technology Transfer Network (RTTN) and the National Technology Transfer Network of Ukraine (NTTN).
Methodical materials for all training courses both in printed and electronic format have been published in the Center. Besides, the following books are developed and published by our specialists: «Small Business», «How to Sell Technology», «Innovation Structures and Commercialization of Science», «Technology Parks of Ukraine», «From Mystery of Cell to Mystery of the Universe», collections «Galileo», «Modern Innovation Structures».
The Center has been successfully implementing the program of financial support for innovative enterprises by providing loan guarantees for realization of prospective technology projects, provided that their business plans had been developed with the Center assistance. On the whole, over 50 projects have been financed for the total amount of 1 465 000 USD.
One of the priority directions of the Center is educating and rising qualification of researchers and entrepreneurs in the technology transfer and innovation spheres. Over 3000 specialists were trained at the Center. Training curriculum includes the following modules: «Innovation Management», «Technology Marketing», «Information Technologies in Business», «Technology Transfer», «Financial Management», «Commercialization of Research», «How to Start Small Business», etc. Intensive short-term workshops on entrepreneurial issues are provided on constant basis. Trainings are held both in distant and on-site mode.
On regular base the Center assists in applying information-communication technologies into clients’ businesses, develops and promotes Web-sites of clients’ enterprises via Internet. Due to the Center assistance over 300 users, who joined the local client network, have got high-speed access to the Internet.
Since 2004, in partnership with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine the Center has been realizing the Project “Science and Innovations to Society” aimed at popularization of achievements of domestic science and innovations. Three Internet competitions are combined within this Project:
- Science-popular articles (www.nauka-info.com.ua),
- Photographs on science and innovation subject (www.focuscience.org),
- Science fiction stories (www.galilei.org.ua).
The aim of these competitions is popularization of national science, attraction of society attention to problems and prospects of science development, assistance in introduction of scientific research and innovations into business. All persons interested can take part in the competitions. Articles and stories may be submitted in Russian, Ukrainian and English. After judges’ evaluation the collections of best science fiction stories and science-popular articles are published.