NewsMay 2011
STEP Business Partnership Grant Competition (CRDF)
The Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Program (STEP) Business Partnership Grants competition (BPG), conducted by CRDF Global and the State Agency of Ukraine for Science, Innovations and Information (SASII) promotes research and development partnerships between companies (Company Team) and teams of scientists (Science Team) to develop new commercial opportunities of economic benefit to both parties.
STEP BPG projects must have research and development (R&D) as their core task and must include a preliminary market assessment; a customer needs analysis, and business development components. Projects that demonstrate their ability to enable revenue creation and/or attract additional (non-STEP) sources of funding will be given priority consideration in the selection process. All goals and outcomes of the projects must be well defined and measurable.
STEP BPG projects are limited to a maximum of 12 months. Funds for projects are provided by the CRDF Global and SASII and are limited to $24,000. All funds must be used for Science Team expenses. In support of the goals of the Business Partnership Grant competition to increase the number of linkages between the science and business sectors, preference will be given to newly-formed science- business partnerships.
Complete proposals must be submitted to CRDF Global Ukraine via e-mail and (in English and Ukrainian) by (18:00) local time by the dates indicated below to be eligible. Printed copies should be also submitted to the SASII.
CRDF Global - Ukraine Attn: Eugenia Severyanina Program Manager Ukraine 01024 Kyiv 4 Bogomoltsa Street Room 124 Tel: +38 044 256 2531 Fax:+38 044 253 4577 E-mail:
The State Agency of Ukraine for Science, Innovations and Information Department of International Co-operation Attn: Elena Maksimova Chief specialist Ukraine 01601 , Kyiv 16, Blvd. Shevchenko, tel: +380 44 246-38 34